Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bikini Love

First, some 80s bikini love:

Is that guy a stud muffin, or what?

For many of you, bikini season is a distant memory.

But I don two piece bathing suits on the regular.

My 13 year old self never would have believed it.

I was on a summer swim team for most of my childhood, and I proudly wore my one piece Speedo. I ran around, thighs a jiggling, without a care in the world (I was a bit chubby then).

But then came the insecurities of middle school, and though I became svelte in seventh grade, I was scared to death of the Bikini. Nonetheless, I would wear one, but as soon as I came out of the water I grabbed the first towel in sight. If I had to walk around in my swim suit, I covered my stomach with my hands, until I could put my clothes back on.

No more. You just can’t have such insecurities in Hawaii. Everyone walks around in their bathing suit, young and old, and I joined along without giving it second thought. Sure, there awesome with killer abs, or thighs more toned than my own. But I don’t think any less of myself because of them. I wear my itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot pink Victoria’s Secret bikini with pride. Sometimes I even drive/walk with just shorts and a bikini top (the horror!)

It’s simply a waste of time worrying about your stomach or your thighs. There is a bright blue ocean to swim in, and friends to tan with on the sand.

In the land of bikinis I have learned to finally accept my own swim suit clad self.

Speaking of stud muffins (did you guys check out that hair? Beast.) I used a Vita Top stud muffin chocolate muffin in a parfait.

I combined a Chobani plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons PB2. I expected a slightly sweeter taste, but it definitely grew on me! I layered the peanut butter Greek yogurt goodness with the Vita Top and mushed banana. Chocolate, peanut butter, and banana…what more could you possibly need!?

Because I have a habit of being all over the place, I will tell you that on Sunday I ran…

15 MILES! Bitchin! It is two days later, and I have run both days to gear up my legs, and I am feeling fine. Of course, Polly’s yummy yoga stretches are certainly helping. That is more than half marathon distance people. Excuse me while I toot my own horn for a while.

Also last weekend, I went to a University of Hawaii football game.

But somehow I ended up in a shopping cart.

That crashed.

But despite Saturday’s shenanigans, I still got up at 5 am on Sunday for my PDR run. Because that’s how I roll.

And finally, my fellow nanny in crime Bri tagged me in this quiz thing a ma jig. I don’t usually do these, but how can I say no such a lovely optimalist? So here it goes!

1. Where is your cell phone? bed

2.Your hair? half ponytail

3. Your mother? amazing

4. Your father? supportive

5. Your favorite food? dates

6. Your dream last night? reminiscence

7. Your favorite drink? smoothie

8. Your dream/goal? travel

9. What room are you in? bedroom

10. Your hobby? running

11. Your fear? jillian michaels

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? evolved

13. Where were you last night? bed

14. Something you aren’t? short

15. Muffins? more!

16. Wish list item? dslr

17. Where did you grow up? Maryland

18. Last thing you did? wrestle

19. What are you wearing? boxers

20. Your TV? off

21. Your pets? furry

22. Your friends? ridiculous

23. Your life? random

24. Your mood? pensive

25. Missing someone? family

27. Something you’re not wearing? socks

28. Your favorite store? h&m

29. Your favorite color? purple

30. When was the last time you laughed? recently

31. Last time you cried? morning

33. One place that I go over and over? Kailua

34. One person who emails me regularly? mom

35. Favorite place to eat? my kitchen

So the idea was to use one word, but I think saying just Jillian would have been a bit confusing! It was hard to be so concise! In turn, I tag anyone who wants to do it and hasn’t yet! I love ya’ll too much to name specifics.

The moral of the post is that you should strut your stuff, whether you’re wearing a bikini or a peacoat and scarf. Be proud of what your mama gave ya.

A toute a l’heure!


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